General Compare 15 Companies

Compare and research Screws - General companies and businesses

Cyclonaire Corp

Pneumatic Conveying Solutions

Cyclonaire, Corp. manufactures and supplies pneumatic conveying equipment. The Company products include dense, semi-dense and dilute phase equipment systems, bin vents, blower packages, compressors, flow acids, convey line injectors, and proprietary parts. Cyclonaire serves the battery, cement,...

JM Machinery is the end result of Michael L. Dyer's 30 plus years of service in the Rubber Industry. He brings the experiences of design engineering, shop assembly foreman, field service technician, and salesman to this business. His knowledge of the industry, it's people, and the machinery and...

Federal Equipment Company is a reliable resource for used processing and packaging equipment in pharmaceutical, chemical, plastics and rubber markets, with over 60 years of expertise buying and selling machines. For companies with surplus equipment, Federal Equipment Company takes away all...

Feed Screws, Barrels, Feed-Throats, Check-Valves, End-Caps, Nozzels... A complete range of replacement parts, new, rebuild, recondition. Consulting, Inspection and assessments, Upgrades, Retrofits, Optical-Aligning. Manufacturing, Engineering, Designing.

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