JM Machinery

P.O. Box 378
Wadsworth, OH 44282

About JM Machinery

JM Machinery is the end result of Michael L. Dyer's 30 plus years of service in the Rubber Industry. He brings the experiences of design engineering, shop assembly foreman, field service technician, and salesman to this business. His knowledge of the industry, it's people, and the machinery and processes used in it is unsurpassed. So many years of visiting plants, asking questions, and listening to how the machinery is to be used, has given JM Machinery a process background unlike any of our competitors. We really do want to sell you the required machine for your application. If we don't have it, we'll find it, or build it.
About one quarter of our business is "on consignment" type sales. We make a straight commission, and everyone benefits. Idle equipment is turned into positive cash flow, and a need for equipment is filled at the best possible purchase price.

Competitors of JM Machinery

Reliable Rubber & Plastic Machinery Company

Reliable Rubber & Plastic Machinery Company

For more than 80 years Reliable has been the industry source for rebuilt and new rubber and plastic machinery. We have built a reputation for design, custom engineering, manufacturing and rebuilt machinery, which endures. From the laboratory to the production floor, Reliable has the experience... Read More


FACTS, Inc. is a full range supplier of Gauging (in-line measurement), Control, and Factory Information systems specializing in the plastics and rubber industries. FACTS integrates industrial sensors for closed loop process control. FACTS provides engineered solutions that eliminate your... Read More

Colmec USA, Inc.

Products by JM Machinery

By JM Machinery

Rebuilt Calenders Our calender re-manufacturing facilities are unsurpassed in North America. We have in-house roll grinding capabilities of 120" roll face, and the expertise gained by years of re-manufacturing and upgrading calenders for the tire industry. We can offer retrofits to include new... Read more »