GA International Inc

3208 Jacques-Bureau Ave. , C.P.41534
Laval , QC H7P 0A

About GA International Inc

We are a manufacturer of cryogenic labels for liquid nitrogen storage, cryo labels that can stick to frozen vials, cryogenic labels and cryo tapes for metal freezer and liquid nitrogen racks, stainless steel racks, xylene and toluene labels for microscope slides, xylene-proof labels for vials, xylene-resistant labels for cryogenic containers. alcohol-resistant markers, alcohol-resistant ribbons, xylene-resistant ribbons.

Competitors of GA International Inc


For more than 60 years, Mactac has been a leader in the pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) industry. With a spirit of innovation that dates back to our inception, we are a full adhesive provider equipped with acrylic and rubber adhesive chemistries and all adhesive technologies, including hot... Read More

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